Semion Polinov holds a B.A. (summa cum laude, 94) and an M.A (magna cum laude, 93) both from the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Haifa. Since 2017, Semion Ph.D. student at Department of Marine Geosciences at the University of Haifa. His Ph.D. work deals with “Historical changes in human activities in the Mediterranean Sea and their drivers” using Geographical Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing, and Geo-Statistical analysis. Within MPS, his research focuses on Climate Change and Impacts on Maritime Security in Israel. Also, he leads collaboration with Indian research centers HMF in New Delhi and MRC in Pune. Semion is a course lecturer in Dr. Moses Strauss Department of Marine Geosciences “Practical GIS for Marine Geoscience”. Semion was a part of the planning team that leads the preparation of the “Policy document for Israel’s Mediterranean EEZ” (2014-2016), Chief of the GIS and data analysis department in the Haifa Hamifratz Port construction project (2016-2020).

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