Sharon Erlichman holds a B.Sc in Electrical Engineering from the Technion, Haifa, a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the Faculty of Industry and Management at the Technion, Haifa, and currently completing his graduate studies in marine technologies, at the School of Marine Sciences, university of Haifa.

Sharon has vast experience in marine technologies, marine projects development and international collaborations. Sharon served in the Israeli Navy (ret. CDR) leading projects, experiments, and research in various marine related fields: sonar, survivability, detection, defense systems and more. Sharon also served in DDR$D (Directorate of Defense Research and Development) at the Israeli Ministry of Defense – Leading Mega Projects for the Israeli Defense Forces, international collaborations, research and development in the aerial and marine environment. In his role in DDR&D, Sharon has lead the blue economy topics for the Israeli Ministry of Defense to push relevant technologies and build Israeli and international partnerships.

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