Capt. (Ret.) Shlomo Gueta was born in October 1952. From 1971 to 1993, he served in various roles within the Israeli Navy intelligence command. Rising through the ranks to Captain (navy) in 1990, his last active role was the position of naval intelligence head of research. During his military service, Shlomo completed a bachelor’s degree with honors at Tel Aviv University, majoring in extended studies of the history of the Middle East, along with a minor in general history and statistics. In parallel, he graduated the National Senior-Level Intelligence Course. Upon retiring from active duty in 1993, Shlomo participated in executive management business administration course (“T.L.M.”) at Tel Aviv University graduate school of business. From 1994-2019, he continued to serve as a senior naval officer (res.) and was charged with composing and analyzing intelligence research projects on various subjects. Already as civilian, Shlomo’s experience in management heightened between 1993 and 2014 during which he held several senior management roles at the Raanana Municipality: starting with the position of head of the environmental department, head of the administrative steering committee (which led to the establishment of a residential neighborhood), head of the engineering and infrastructure department, VP for strategic planning and finally chairman of the city of Raanana water corporation.

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