Rear Admiral (Ret.) Oded Gour-Lavie is a Research Fellow in the Maritime Policy & Strategy research center (HMS). He is also a publishing Expert at The MirYam Institute. Previously the Chairman of the Dolphin Association of veteran submariners. He concluded his military career in 2015 as the Head of the IDF’s Legal & Strategic Policy Team as part of the planning directorate. He is the former Head of the Sea Division in charge of Naval Operations, Training and Doctrine for the Israeli Navy and former Commander of the Israeli Submarine Force. He graduated Com-Laude in Electrical Engineering from the Israeli Institute of Technology – Technion, Haifa. Received his Master’s in Public Administration (MC-MPA) from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, participated in the Wexner Israel Fellowship Program. Recently finished a year as a Visiting Fellow at MIT Sloan school of Management. Oded is active in several entrepreneurial projects in cyber, energy and agriculture and currently the co-founder and CEO of NT-Tao Ltd. a startup focused on energy.

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