150 years of the Suez Canal – Chinese interests and involvement around the canal

Ehud Gonen August 25, 2022 The relations between China and Egypt since 2011 are fueled by the political and economic developments in both countries. Egypt, after President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi came to power in 2013, is looking for national growth and employment engines to face enormous challenges in the economic and social spheres. The Suez Canal and the extensive activity around the canal, which includes not only the passage of ships, but also logistic services, industry and production, as well as large investments in infrastructure – these were designated by E-Sisi as such engines. On the other hand, China’s Belt and Road Initiative deals with the development of precisely these areas of logistics and infrastructure, and therefore the synergy between Egyptian and Chinese policies in general and in activities related to the Suez Canal in particular is great and has development potential for both sides….

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