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Maritime Evaluation
International Cooperation
Scholarships & Intern program
Call For Proposal
Maritime Evaluation
International Cooperation
Scholarships & Intern program
Call For Proposal
The Maritime Strategic Evaluation for Israel 2020/21
Full Report Download
Maritime strategic evaluation for Israel 2020-2021
Individual section for download
Section 1. Global Developments
Section 2. Focus on Turkey
Section 3. Naval power buildup, challenges and lessons from the past
Section 4. Society, Economy, Energy and Environment
Individual chapters for download
1. Shaul Chorev. Global Developments in the Maritime Domain
2. Shaul Chorev. Key Naval Fleets – Trends and Changes
3. Ben Ari and Terdiman. Geography and Strategy in the Red Sea – The Current Situation
4. Ido Gilad. The Russian Navy – Main Trends in 2020 and their Implications for the Middle East
5. tzevy Mirkin. Russia in the Pacific - A Historical Perspective and the Current Situation
6. Beni Ben Ari. Strategy and Culture in the South China Sea Conflict
7. Shlomo Guetta. The Turkish Navy – Its strengthening process and operational doctrine
8. Eilat and Hayut-Man. The Turkish Maritime Doctrine – The ‘Blue Homeland’ (Mavi Vatan)
9. gilad and Jenkins. Turkey-Russia Maritime Relations
10. Ido Ben Moshe. Implementing of Maritime Defense concepts for Protection of Israel’s Economic Waters
11. Shlomo Guetta. The Egyptian Sea Mining Surprise during the Yom Kippur War (October War 1973)
12. Yossi Ashkenazi. The Options for a Commercial International Port in the Gaza Strip - A Historical Perspective
13. Itsik Bilia. The Unmanned Helicopter on the Israeli _Saar_ Corvettes – Innovation that was Ahead of its Time
14. Agarwala and Polinov. Oceans and Pandemics - Lessons to learn to address Climate Change
15. Semion Polinov. Impact of climate change and extreme weather events on maritime transport
16. Moshe (Shiko) Zana. The Port of Ashdod Prepares for Competition
17. Moshe (Shiko) Zana. The Response of the Ashdod Port Company to the COVID-19 Crisis
18. Elai Rettig. Israel’s Energy Sector Between Peace and Plague
19. Ofir Kafri. Tax benefits under special tax regimes for the shipping industry
20. Ehud Gonen. Logistic Corridors between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean
21. Ariel Eshed. An Examination of the Coastal Life Rescue Services in Israel
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