Proceedings of the First Postgraduate Webinar Collaboration

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six postgraduate students from the University of Haifa and the University of the Free State met each other virtually, and held a fruitful webinar where a wide range of research topics were presented, and ideas were shared. This ranged from terrorism and drugs, to liberal democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa, organised crime and political elites in Sub-Saharan Africa, to a study on Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy and a study on China’s maritime activities around the Horn of Africa….

Chapter 9. Turkey-Russia Maritime Relations

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In recent years, Turkey has engaged in a range of ambitious programs in the military, energy and economic fields with the aim of reviving its historical power and expanding its geo-strategic position in the MENA region and beyond….

Lessons learnt from Epidemics to address Climate Change Nitin Agarwala, Semion Polinov

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Nitin Agarwala, Semion Polinov     Abstract Public health emergencies of the likes of epidemics and pandemics have been affecting human life for many years now. Many of these health emergencies have forced humans to bring about radical improvements to the then existing health and safety standards and to improve his living conditions and eventually come out stronger to continue business-as-usual. A public-health-emergency-in-waiting, climate change, is however, likely to change the demographics and the future of humans entirely if changes to the existing business-as-usual model are not made. Though humans have the resilience to fight any public health emergency, climate change is one public health emergency that has a slow effect and has the ability to create complex chall…


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This chapter surveys the main trade routes (both existing and planned) that connect between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean. It describes the main overland routes, the ports that they connect to and the political and economic challenges they involve….

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